This card represents possibilities. The cycle has not yet begun, but the potential is great, and the options are broadest at this time.
This card represents the life-giver, and the forces of protection. This is a time of great personal development, being nurtured and allowed to grow without the need to return an equal contribution yet.
This card represents action on the fertile possibilities. This is a time of personal action to begin the cycle of activity, choosing which option to bring into fruition.
This card represents the forces of creation through joining; the creative force, the beginnings of a new thing, and the union of opposites. There are elements of the balance represented by the yin/yang, with the creation arising out of the union of the two balanced opposites.
Action in harmony with the river current of the Tao that is the balanced force of all living things has the force of that current behind it, adding to the energy imparted by those taking action.
This card represents the time of waiting for birth, or new beginnings. This is the time of waiting for action to come to fruition, for the cycle of action and reaction to begin again.
This card represents the end of the time of waiting, or the arrival of new beginnings. This is the culmination of the cycle of action and activity, when the results of the actions chosen come into their fullness, the fruit of that action borne for all to see and respond.
Please feel free to use, share and distribute this system, as long as the creators are credited by either their legal names or their chosen pseudonyms "BarleySinger" and "Willow Firesong".