The Maiden represents the untouched innocence of the child-woman; the beginnings of life, endless possibilities yet to be understood, explored, or fullfilled. Like the beginnings of a branching path, the choices and options are broadest at this point.
The Enchantress represents the sexually active, physically mature woman, in that phase of life where she is exploring and shaping the world around her. She represents striving on an inward plane, using means attuned to the inner person, however large or showy the results.
The Huntress represents a strong, chaste woman who knows what she wants. She may or may not be at ease with her own sexuality, but it is not her focus or interest at this time; she is intent on other goals. This can also be the goddess of the activist or the Warrior Goddess; she represents striving turned outward, uninvolved with the cycles of birth and growth.
The May Queen is the embodiment of the joyous sexuality and sensuality that is the birthright of every woman. She is the rising sap within our veins, and the desire and passion that fires her unions is one of creativity and joy, and she approaches her partners always as her equals. Her own strength of joy is so great that she is unthreatened by the strength of her partner or companions.
The Mother represents the woman as nurturer of new life; she does not seek to teach the mind, but instead to shape the environment to allow safe growth of the person she protects and guides. Her sexuality is not lost, merely submerged into a deep tidal force, whose ebb and flow is dictated by the needs of her primary focus in life. Her imprint is subtle, but deep, and lasting, and traces may be found in any person who has been the focus of her care.
The Crone represents Age, and Wisdom, and the End of the Life Cycle. She is the accumulated teachings of Time, the hardened kernel of wisdom within the withered husk of age. She is the teacher of the young, the slowing of age allowing her the time to focus on sharing what she has learned. It is in her that the thirsty mind finds the well-spring of knowledge, the teachings of daily life throughout the Ages.
Gaia represents the Earth as Mother, and the Unity of all Life, as well as growth within and without. She is the source of all, and the final resting place as well, thrifty with her materials, endlessly inventive in her recycling of the component parts of Life.
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